Tennis Anyone?
Grandpa was tennis racket shredding before you were even a faint possible ball mark on the great tennis court we call Life. What else don’t you know?
Grandparents don’t care what you think.
That’s one nice thing about growing older. You don’t give a funk.
Wild guitar windmills a la Pete Townshend on your Wilson Pro Staff RF97? Go for it.
Wear short shorts because they’re comfy and give great ventilation? You betcha.
Ask your embarrassed Grandkid to come smack some balls over the net together? Priceless.
OK Zoomer: get over yourself.
Get out there and start asking those Grandparents some questions.
Because those embarrassing moments won’t last forever.
We can help.
Reach out, I’d love to hear from you.
Mark Noonan - Founder | Head Interviewer
LifeStory | Link in Bio
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