LifeStory | Charlie

Charlie Seraphin | “Most Famous Person You Ever Met? What Quality Do You Most Admire In A Person?”

“Most Famous Person You Ever Met? What Quality Do You Most Admire In A Person?”

“Mother Theresa. Using Mother Theresa as an example, she spoke in a whisper. Her voice was so quiet. She was a very small person. I don't know how tall she was, but I don't think she was five feet tall. If she was five feet, she wasn't five feet one. She was really small. And she was slight and she spoke softly. But her voice had an amplification to it that was supernatural. And, you know, when you read some of the things that she wrote, it wasn't like everything was saintly in her life all the time. She had a lot of dark, doubting moments. She really struggled with her faith and everything else. So I think her life was an example of something greater than herself. You know, when you think about her background and her upbringing and what she went through, there was no way that she could have accomplished what she accomplished and affected millions of lives all over the planet. And coming from a very humble background and she didn't find her vocation early in life. She didn't start out as a little girl to become Mother Theresa. She was in her forties, after she had been a high school principal and was kind of going, she was caught in the middle of life. You know, things go on and the routine and it's day to day and month to month and year to year. And she was on a train ride. As we read the story, she was on a train ride and she looked out the window and she saw all these poor suffering people. And something happened in her. And she transitioned from being a high school principal to take on a new name and become, you know, Mother Theresa and found this religious order and and went out and dealt with the poorest of the poor. So I think the the ability to recognize that our purpose is not necessarily, doesn't necessarily have anything to do with us. It's not really about us. It's about being still, listening to that quiet little voice and then finding from that the inspiration to become something more than what we could otherwise become.”


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