LifeStory | Jim

Jim White | “If you could go back in time, what year or age would you go back to?”

“I don't know that I would ever want to go back. I think I, put it this way, I feel that I basically I did everything that I wanted to do. I got married, I had kids, we did anything they wanted to do, and that was enough for me. And they. I don't know that I ever went or ever went anywhere that I didn't want to go. Well, I shouldn't say that. My wife went some crazy places, but I don't, I don't have a problem with any of those. I wanted my wife and my kids to do whatever we could afford to do to go in this country, and we did a lot of traveling, and that was this month it’s Beth’s turn. This month, it's Jennifer's turn. This month, my wife's turn and my turn is whatever they wanted to do.”


LifeStory | Marge


LifeStory | Jeff